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Free commuting platform for your organization with CommuteApp

At CommuteApp, financial savings go hand in hand with sustainability. We offer companies a branded and integrated commuting app that employees can use for their daily transportation from home to work. This solution is free of charge for the organization and your employees.

CommuteApp also offers an extended solution where we can optimize costs and utilization of taxis, company cars and rental cars. This is done by a White-Label solution specifically tailored to the customer's needs. In the same solution, we automatically collect data to report the number of green kilometers that have been driven by the organization.


We create climate-friendly solutions

Did you know that 10 out of 11 cars drive with only one passenger? We would like to change that!

The average European car drives 2,5 times a day, 25km per trip, i.e. almost all transport happens over short ditances, and it is these every day trips to/from work and meetings we focus on.

When we drive together, we save the environment for up to 80% of the CO2 emission produced by cars. CommuteApp makes it easy, fast and affordable to travel during your every day life - no matter if you go to a meeting or a conference or want to share a taxi with a co-worker from the airport.

Why choose CommuteApp?

CommuteApp is free to use for the daily commute. The company's employees, city, or community can therefore use CommuteApp free of charge for their daily transportation needs. In addition, CO2-Coin is earned every time you use the app. These CO2-Coins can be used to obtain discounts from our CO2-Coin Partners .

The company can also adapt their own White-Label solution completely to the needs of the organization - and only for their employees.

We have developed CommuteApp because we believe that both users and the climate win when we make car transport cheaper, faster and more social.

The problem in larger organizations is often that employees lack an overview of who is actually driving and when they do so, especially across departments and teams with which they may have low social interaction with during their day-to-day work. We solve this by creating company specific solutions for our customers that give employees the necessary overview; fast, intuitively, and efficiently.

We optimize both the use of personal cars, company cars, but also taxis and rental cars. With CommuteApp, available seats are updated in real time, and you can easily invite colleagues to come along.


Reduce the organization's CO2 emissions

Denmark's total CO2 emissions must be reduced by at least 70% in 2030. Unfortunately, more and more cars are coming on the roads, and today there are 2.6 million cars in Denmark. The companies have a great social responsibility for the green transition. Thus, there is also a risk of increased national and international legislation. In 2019, the marginal external cost for a km driven was DKK 0.40, and congestion cost society DKK 30 billion in lost earnings.

With Commute, you can be at the forefront of potential legislation, starting by reducing your CO2 footprint today.

We can offer the organization its own app only with access for its employees. The app collects the CO2 savings, which are updated live on the company's website / intranet and can be published in the CSR report. This also allows for making CO2 bonus budgets for the entire company, or even down to department level.

Get started with your own app solution

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